Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A psychedelic experience without the LSD?

Bob Monroe, author of many books on Out of Body experiences, has long and close ties with the C.I.A. James Monroe, Bob's father was involved with the Human Ecology Society, a C.I.A. front organization of the late 50's and 60's. The Monroe Institute has done research on accelerated learning and foreign language learning through the use of altered states of consciousness for the C.I.A. and other government organizations.
His research and the Hemi-Sync (Monroe Institute Products) allow you to leave your body and talk to Aliens? anyway it's certainly powerful enough for companies like "PSI-TECH" to exist, they have received several government contracts. For example, during the Gulf War crisis the Department for Defense asked it to use remote viewing to locate Saddam's Scud missiles sites. Last year (1992) the FBI sought PSI-TECH's assistance to locate a kidnapped Exxon executive.

Try it for yourself, look for those sounds on bittorrent and get a good pair of headphones and relax..

Great Article on Sound Technology and Mind Control and the Military

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Centrino no no no...

Hey you kids out there, if you're thinkink wireless please don't get a centrino.

Basically what they want you to believe is that it works better than anything else (oh yeah, and thanks apple for inventing the Airport and making it work for us like five years ago..).
But in reality Centrino just means you are opening your computer to Big Brother (no drug induced paranoia being involved here, I can reassure you).
Due to the fact that you will be forever online (if you are near a hotspot), the special centrino chip which is soldered to the wireless card (so you can't remove it, ever!) chip will allow BB or Bill Gtes to directly intrude your computer and remove anything they deem suspicious, this could be your secret love emails to Osama Bin Laden, your not so legal mp3s and of course your illegally downloaded software.

Great news if you want to support the music industry and let them keep the music they release so damn boring whilst making huge profits and giving back an absolutely ridiculous amount to the bulk of their artists..

For the software issue well I guess you should support the poeple that create and sell their Intellectual property at decent prices because they are disappearing fast..

So remenber kids, it's a big CENTRINO..NO..NO..NO...

Nokia 6630 Tip

If you have a nokia 6630 music phone, first you a lucky man, but not on Vodafone UK as they strongly restrict their devices. For example they don't let you use MP3 as ringtones unless you downloaded them from their expensive service.

Just rename the mp3 you want to use as a ringtone on your computer to have the extension.g2c instead of .mp3, et voila you're really a happy (but a bit sad at the same time) man now..

Monday, March 07, 2005

Let's get loose..

Ok, this is the 3rd blog I've started today, it's 7am, I haven't slept and it's getting really light outside...

Sounds familiar? Maybe I'm bloggin' mad but you tekies will know that a man's gotta get time with his toys, so let's get loose and I hope this info will be useful to you..