Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Does the Hulme Arch control the weather? I think so..

This is proof!.
Funny, I just found an article from my friend Aidan O'Rourque from 1997 which says: "Hulme Arch inaugurated this week..and later..The weather has been exceptionally changeable this week, and on Wednesday morning snow fell as people were making their way to work." but then again this is Manchester anyway..
Article here.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
The Sleeper must awaken - We must become one fire..

SIMPLICITY SOUND SYSTEM SAID "QUAND VA TU TE REVEILLER?" (When are you gonna wake up?) Global counsciouness must rise and the children must become one and resonate or like bob marley said: "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery"
Listen to DJ Shadow "The Devil's Advocate" you will get it too..
See the spin at Glastonbury
Feel the spin
See why? and
tune into the energy..
How to make it happen..
Friday, May 05, 2006
Great Balls of Fire

A very interesting and uncommon phenomenon called "feu-follet" in French or Fireball lightning recreated at last. It is originally thought that Elijah (like Thor) could produce these things at will. Check those latter-day Israelis who recreated the phenomenon in their lab. See Article or better make your own!!