Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Being Robin Hood..

Do you recall a certain Robin Hood, who generously shared his loot thieved from the influent landowners. Well, in our new cyberworld, we can become that sort of hero very cheaply, telco's being the landowners. The whole issue is opening your personal wireless network.
There is a huge amount of anti-sharing propaganda going out everyday on all information and internet channels. Today I came accross such a movie on a so called "science channel" (, the presenter was showing how easy it is to snoop on someone's computer. The reality behind these scaremongering films is that: If everyone of us opens their personal network, we would collectively be able to bypass mobile phone operators and telcos by having our own networks, this would mean a huge loss of profits for the small pack of these greedy hyenas of the business world and totally FREE mobile calls and internet for all the people who could afford a recent phone. So bring back the Robin Hood in you n open your network, solidarity can change the world.
As for victims of hacking, well, you're a grown up, you know if they really wanted your holiday pictures they would break the encryption easily..

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

VLC is free and so amazing!

If you need just one piece of software, it has to be VLC (video lan client). This magical, open-source video swiss army knife will play all you movies, divx and stream but also converts them to .mp4 for use on your portable devices (phone, psp..). So don't pay $29.99 for a shit piece of converting software..


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Glastonbury Stone Circle VR

In 2004, SoundBringer after much effort (considering the condition he was in as well..) managed to climb on top of one of the stones with a tripod to capture the atmosphere of the Glastonbury stone circle by night, it was saturday night and everyone was so relaxed and off their heads, some playing drums, chilling by fires, singing away, a guy playing trumpet, people runing accross the glastonbury stone cirlcle with flares. Magic!

Check out the 3DVR of the Glastonbury stone circle by night that was voted best link about glastonbury on the whole internet and visited by hundreds of thousands of people.

See more of my work on

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