ViVa Pirate Radio

Catch some of the tunes from the SoundBringer vaults..
If you have a PC, install Streamer p2p Radio (350Kb) and once you've got it then tune into The SoundBringer Station for some new and live sounds for 2009!! Get in the chat room for requests.
If you have a Mac all is not lost follow this guide to install streamer on OS X.

Streamer - Pirate radio for the digital age. Streamer: A low bandwidth, peer to peer audio streaming is internet radio with a twist. Streamer allows a user to broadcast streaming MP3 or OGG audio to an unlimited number of listeners with a low bandwidth home internet connection. Each listener helps the broadcaster by passing a copy of the stream to the next listener in line, like gnutella or Kaza or torrents. Distributed computing for pirate radio - download now, and join the revolution!